Saturday, June 1, 2024

TBJ_13 Salt Lake City: 12 points

The chronicler has arrived safely in this special city and spontaneously decides to award the maximum number of points in the Eurovision rating scheme. He has somehow been particularly lucky today, including the white sheets in this orgy of marble, crystal and carpet

(the rooms were a bit more modest).

Little America, he didn't know it before, affordable

This morning, he was quite the tinkler. It was just too cold outside. The sun was shining, but it was chilly.

No temperature for old men

This motel was old but clean and the owner was an interesting character. The chronicler can't think of which American film and which actor he reminds him of. Rather short, slicked back, black hair, a friendly face and doesn't walk with a walking stick due to his age. Perhaps the readers can help. There is a special breakfast on old, beautiful porcelain (his wife's hobby).

The chronicler takes breakfast to his room because there is to be a press conference with Mr Trump shortly. He has just been found guilty of all thirty-four charges in New York. The chronicler sees Mr Trump for the first time in a longer sequence. He doesn't understand everything, but what he takes away: Mr Trump is a gifted storyteller. This morning was the first time the chronicler turned on the television. Before Trump, he saw a channel in which a Jesse Kelly, on his own America on fire channel, wanted to tell people that there is a communist conspiracy both in the administration and in the courts, and that there are also so-called street communists outside who are controlled and financed by the intellectuals. On another channel, a round table explained current events with reference to the Bible and allowed questions from the audience. What they all have in common is a certain uniformity that finds its perfection in concrete hairstyles.

Gosh, thought the chronicler, don't they have anything better to do and can they make a living from it?  And, as a common citizen, you can spend a lot of time in front of the screen and end up in a mental tailspin.

It had become so warm in the meantime that he switched off the TV with relief and set off. Because of its special features, he had to stop at Walmart again and then he was back on the motorway. 

He crossed another border. Utah, just as treeless, but more colourful. Warm-toned rock formations accompanied the railway and interstate lines following the valley. 

The meadow is a ground squirrel paradise

Unlike in Wyoming, in Utah you are allowed to drive eighty miles an hour. It therefore rattles and howls a little more.

80 mph

What had inspired so much respect in the chronicler yesterday, namely this long stretch without supplies, evaporated into nothingness. He was through it faster than he could get hungry.

Then, like a miracle, a Whole Foods supermarket appeared in this mountain wilderness next to the road, among other supply options. You may remember this Amazon chain, which targets the very well-heeled, earthfriendly and organic orientated clientele. The chronicler always goes there with reluctance, but has to admit that the coffee is perfect and the muffins are pretty outstanding (which is more than he could say for the household foil for wrapping racing bikes). 

He sat down with coffee and sweets in the sun and in Anya's path. Anya was interested in the bike and the idea and explained to the chronicler why this Whole Foods was located in the middle of the mountains. It was located in Park City. A famous ski and summer sports resort, comparable to Aspen. This also explained the presence of Porsches, Audis and the whole range of Infinity cars. You could only afford to live here if you were a millionaire. 

Anya raved to the chronicler about Salt Lake City, the university, the salt lakes and other advantages that he had forgotten. She knew about the city's air quality and told him that Utah was currently the most sought-after state for the extractive industry. She was very amused by the chronicler's question and delivered 0-0-100 with conviction, even though she is not a believer.

Anya, knows a lot, has no profession, teaches skiing, mountain biking and is currently looking after a friend's pet

After Park City, the chronicler had to climb again. After a hundred kilometres, it was hard on his legs and the traffic increased again to four lanes. But he knew the longitudinal section! 

Only downhill from now on

More than twenty-five kilometres downhill without braking, only paying attention to the traffic behind us at the exits and entrances. We managed around fifty kilometres per hour, including loud songs. Salt Lake City was a real invitation to the chronicler. Smooth, spacious streets and green spaces.

A young man sent him to Whiskeystreet for a drink on arrival. Because he didn't get on with the bouncer at the bar of his choice (it's the law in Utah that you have to show your ID before entering bars, in reality he didn't like the face of the chronicler), he turned the corner to jazz, soul and beer, without ID and bouncer.

live music

Naturally, the chronicler with his racing bike and his clothes stands out among the guests on this Friday afternoon after work. Katie was delighted as a snow queen at the chronicler's idea and had 0-0-100 and a hug for him.

Respect! Note the addition of schnapps. Clockwise: Katie, Elizabeth, Morgan. All work in the hospitality industry

The people at the neighbouring table are no less friendly and open and are happy to provide information.

Andrew 0-10-90, Jeremy 0-80-20 and Steve 0-0-100

They are all lawyers. Jeremy and Steve are married and have children. Steve admitted that the trial and the guilty verdict against Mr Trump also had a political background. Mr Trump's supporters probably saw it that way too, which is why they quickly donated well over thirty million dollars just after the guilty verdict, and probably not just in large sums. 

At first, the chronicler here in town wanted a haircut. But now he's waiting for Andrew's recommendation until he gets to Las Vegas. He is to try the Atomic Style Lounge there and hopes that the name says it all.

It's been a special day. Good night, everyone. 

TBJ_99 I did it my way (even on a highway)

Dear followers, one last post from the chronicler. Whoever has travelled this far. It's great that you're here. You don't like b...